April 17, 2010

Statement of Purpose

For once, I'm not procrastinating on schoolwork! And this is most likely the most epic non-procrastination in my life.

You see, I have an essay due in (let me check my watch) three years. My college has a wonderful program that lets you make up your own major, but it requires a giant essay before graduation. In my application, I promised to keep a periodic record of what I've learned. This is that record.

So what is this intriguing major--Enigmatology? Magic? Kinesioeconomics?* Sorry--it's a lot more boring than that: Second Language Studies. I'd like to teach English in the Arabic-speaking world, and none of the existing majors here would fully prepare me for that.

I plan to post here whenever I have something worth posting. That'll probably be a lot of posts in the next few weeks, then maybe once a month. We'll see. I'll be drawing from my classes on Second Language Studies (SLS), but also from my experiences in learning French and Arabic.

This blog is mostly for me--something I can't get lost in a pile of paper--but if I've got decent ideas, it's not all that hard to click the "Follow" button!

*Whatever it is, it can't be as fun as Astroavionics.


  1. Wonderful Rachel, tried to be your first follower but couldn't open the thingy... The best method in my experience - especially with little kids - is to use those action verb based songs - if you happy and you know it - etc. adding/changing the verbs everytime you do it. (Scratch your ear, yawn, and so on) Next activities - make sandwiches in class - teach them how to knit, use glue and sparkles to write words - favorite food, hobbies, color, ordinal numbers. Story time - my little kids LOVE it when I read to them. Then they read the story to me. Pop up books are grand.
    Theme days - Valentines, Independence Days, Mother's Day cards. I've been teaching little ones since Oct. part time (teach older kids during the week)and music and real activities cause them to learn language and not even know it. Correct pronunciation over and over and over. Gently, with humor. That's what works for me with my "Cucumbers" and "Bananas". Great to see you blogging, Bibi

  2. For those of you who don't know Rachel, her school marm facade is just that. She's really a fiction writer who can critique the blazes out of anyone's work. A student, a mentor, a gifted soul who came to planet to do so many things. Language learning, writing, a friend, Rachel is the full meal deal and I hope you'll write to her here. Please write to her about any hopes fears dreams and literary stuff. Let's keep her busy - she can help with many things. Trust me, Bibi
