There are more than six thousand languages in use. Over 400 of those languages have full translations of the Bible; over 1000 have the New Testament, and many more have at least some portion of the Bible.
In terms of language learning: if you're learning a language, you can probably find a copy of the Bible in both it and your native language. It'll help if you're familiar with the Bible, but even if you aren't it's a good reading exercise.
When I started French, I found my mom's copy of the French Bible; I made it my goal to read a bit every night, whether I understood it or not. And you know what? It really helped my reading comprehension, and quite possibly my pronunciation, too. I've been doing the same thing with Arabic, and while it's been slow going (even with pronunciation help), I know it's been good for me.
And if there isn't a translation? Wycliffe Bible Translators plans to have a project in every language that needs it by 2025. And yes, there are translations in Klingon and Esperanto.
Main source:
October 31, 2010
October 13, 2010
Jude brought up an interesting point in a previous comment section--languages we'd like to know. So, if you had the time/money/magical genie wish to learn any language, what would you choose? And what do you already know?
I'll be fair and answer my own questions:
English is my native language, and despite how much of a pain it is, I love it.
I took French in high school (it was as geographically close to Arabic as I could get) and had a very good time; I'm now a French minor. I love the literature, especially the poetry of Victor Hugo and Paul Eluard.
I ruled out colleges because of their (lack of) Arabic programs. I'm in my second year, and I like to tell people that I know enough to find an English speaker. As of this last week, I also know enough to find the bathroom.
If I could learn any other languages... Farsi and Hebrew. If I could learn any in an instant, I'd probably choose to learn them all, but if I had to choose runners-up to Farsi and Hebrew, I might go for Russian or Chinese.
Now it's your turn.
I'll be fair and answer my own questions:
English is my native language, and despite how much of a pain it is, I love it.
I took French in high school (it was as geographically close to Arabic as I could get) and had a very good time; I'm now a French minor. I love the literature, especially the poetry of Victor Hugo and Paul Eluard.
I ruled out colleges because of their (lack of) Arabic programs. I'm in my second year, and I like to tell people that I know enough to find an English speaker. As of this last week, I also know enough to find the bathroom.
If I could learn any other languages... Farsi and Hebrew. If I could learn any in an instant, I'd probably choose to learn them all, but if I had to choose runners-up to Farsi and Hebrew, I might go for Russian or Chinese.
Now it's your turn.
October 4, 2010
Tools of Language Learning: the Dictionary
It may seem obvious, but it's worth a mention: a dictionary can be quite important when learning another language, especially for higher-level and more motivated learners.
Many textbooks have rudimentary dictionaries in the back; other times you'll have to buy your own. If you're serious about a language, you should probably get one. Using one helped my French in high school, helps my comprehension of French literature now, and helps me in everything in Arabic.
There are several different types of dictionaries, each with different uses:
English-Arabic*: Look up a word in your native language, find it in the language you want to use it in. This type of dictionary is particularly useful when you don't know how to say something in your target language. Some have phrases and expressions, and most should have pronunciation guides. Be careful, though--knowing the word is not the same as knowing how to use it. You might also get the wrong word; I've heard of some amusing confusions of "public" and "pubic."
Arabic-English: This comes in handy for reading or listening comprehension, but be aware: languages are not the same. English, and European languages in general, are in alphabetical order. Arabic is, too, but it alphabetizes by roots so, for example, "kitaab" and "maktaba" are in the same entry (their root is k-t-b). The Chinese dictionary--well, my sources (Wikipedia) claim some have been organized by subject, others by stroke numbers, and others by phonetics. If you're in a language class, they'll teach you how to use a dictionary, usually about the same time you have to pay $40 for it.
Arabic-Arabic: The words and definitions are in the target language. This won't be much help to a beginner, but an advanced learner may find it helpful to learn a word's meaning in its original language. It's harder, but can definitely be worth it. But just because it builds character/comprehension doesn't always make it fun--
(with all due credit to Bill Watterson)
*I use this as the example because it's the one on the shelf above my desk. Assume English as the native language, Arabic as the language being learned.
Many textbooks have rudimentary dictionaries in the back; other times you'll have to buy your own. If you're serious about a language, you should probably get one. Using one helped my French in high school, helps my comprehension of French literature now, and helps me in everything in Arabic.
There are several different types of dictionaries, each with different uses:
English-Arabic*: Look up a word in your native language, find it in the language you want to use it in. This type of dictionary is particularly useful when you don't know how to say something in your target language. Some have phrases and expressions, and most should have pronunciation guides. Be careful, though--knowing the word is not the same as knowing how to use it. You might also get the wrong word; I've heard of some amusing confusions of "public" and "pubic."
Arabic-English: This comes in handy for reading or listening comprehension, but be aware: languages are not the same. English, and European languages in general, are in alphabetical order. Arabic is, too, but it alphabetizes by roots so, for example, "kitaab" and "maktaba" are in the same entry (their root is k-t-b). The Chinese dictionary--well, my sources (Wikipedia) claim some have been organized by subject, others by stroke numbers, and others by phonetics. If you're in a language class, they'll teach you how to use a dictionary, usually about the same time you have to pay $40 for it.
Arabic-Arabic: The words and definitions are in the target language. This won't be much help to a beginner, but an advanced learner may find it helpful to learn a word's meaning in its original language. It's harder, but can definitely be worth it. But just because it builds character/comprehension doesn't always make it fun--
(with all due credit to Bill Watterson)
*I use this as the example because it's the one on the shelf above my desk. Assume English as the native language, Arabic as the language being learned.
May 11, 2010
English Humor
The English language was carefully, carefully cobbled together by three blind dudes and a German dictionary.
--Dave Kellett
So true.
If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.
--Doug Larson
The quantity of consonants in the English language is constant. If omitted in one place, they turn up in another. When a Bostonian "pahks" his "cah," the lost r's migrate southwest, causing a Texan to "warsh" his car and invest in "erl wells."
--Author Unknown
Makes sense to me.
If you can speak three languages you're trilingual. If you can speak two languages you're bilingual. If you can speak only one language you're an American.
--Author Unknown
Unfortunately, there's some truth to this. On the other hand, it's easier when everyone speaks the same language.
He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As I can attest.
Our language is funny - a fat chance and slim chance are the same thing.
--J. Gustav White
And a double positive, "Yeah right," is a negative.
A different language is a different vision of life.
--Federico Fellini
Arabic is a great example of this: you answer "How are you?" with "Al-hamdulilla," meaning, "Praise God."
--Dave Kellett
So true.
If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.
--Doug Larson
The quantity of consonants in the English language is constant. If omitted in one place, they turn up in another. When a Bostonian "pahks" his "cah," the lost r's migrate southwest, causing a Texan to "warsh" his car and invest in "erl wells."
--Author Unknown
Makes sense to me.
If you can speak three languages you're trilingual. If you can speak two languages you're bilingual. If you can speak only one language you're an American.
--Author Unknown
Unfortunately, there's some truth to this. On the other hand, it's easier when everyone speaks the same language.
He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As I can attest.
Our language is funny - a fat chance and slim chance are the same thing.
--J. Gustav White
And a double positive, "Yeah right," is a negative.
A different language is a different vision of life.
--Federico Fellini
Arabic is a great example of this: you answer "How are you?" with "Al-hamdulilla," meaning, "Praise God."
May 8, 2010
Arabic Plurals (Or, Why English Makes More Sense than Arabic)
In English, plurals are (I think) decently easy; they generally involve adding an -s to the end of the word. There are a few weird irregulars, like man/men and mouse/mice, but the rest of the exceptions are based on word endings.
Word ends in//Plural ends in
-s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z//-es
and words borrowed from other languages do whatever they feel like doing at the moment; the resulting complexity isn't completely English's fault. So, OK, it's not perfectly easy, but it's a rare plural that doesn't involve adding -s.
Arabic, however. I'm told there's a pattern, and sometimes I see it, but why do there have to be six different types of plurals? They're mostly divided by masculine, feminine, human, and non-human. Since almost all feminine nouns end in taa marbuta (-a), it's easy enough to change it to -alif taa (-aat).
And then you have the broken plurals, which keep the same root and switch vowels around. Razhul//rizhaal. Saahib//ashaab. Talib//talaab. They say to memorize it now and we'll understand the pattern eventually, but it's rather a pain--which is why I'm sharing it with you now. On this one, I really do think English is easier. Mostly.
Word ends in//Plural ends in
-s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z//-es
and words borrowed from other languages do whatever they feel like doing at the moment; the resulting complexity isn't completely English's fault. So, OK, it's not perfectly easy, but it's a rare plural that doesn't involve adding -s.
Arabic, however. I'm told there's a pattern, and sometimes I see it, but why do there have to be six different types of plurals? They're mostly divided by masculine, feminine, human, and non-human. Since almost all feminine nouns end in taa marbuta (-a), it's easy enough to change it to -alif taa (-aat).
And then you have the broken plurals, which keep the same root and switch vowels around. Razhul//rizhaal. Saahib//ashaab. Talib//talaab. They say to memorize it now and we'll understand the pattern eventually, but it's rather a pain--which is why I'm sharing it with you now. On this one, I really do think English is easier. Mostly.
May 5, 2010
Why Arabic Makes More Sense than English
Lately, I've been thinking that Arabic root words make more sense than English.
English: Usually one-syllable parts that aren't words in their own right and are taken from Latin or Greek. May be in different parts of the word, depending on prefixes, suffixes, etc. Can also be combined in fun ways*.
Arabic: Roots of three letters with a collective meaning. Put in a pattern of vowels, prefixes, and suffixes to change the meaning. For example, k-t-b is to mark/write. Kitaab--book. Kataba--he wrote. Maktaba--library. Maktab--office.
To me, the Arabic way feels more regular and seems to make more sense. If you know the form and root, what can go wrong? I have yet to be disillusioned.
*I met a girl who didn't know what her major was going to be, but had to introduce herself to an audience of maybe a thousand or two and say her name, major, and why she liked working at the auditorium. I got this close to convincing her to say her major was kinesioeconomics, just because it sounded both fun and like a major somebody could do. Economy of motion, right? She chickened out, but not before I'd decided a major in Astroavionics would be fun preparation to either pilot spaceships or write science fiction.
English: Usually one-syllable parts that aren't words in their own right and are taken from Latin or Greek. May be in different parts of the word, depending on prefixes, suffixes, etc. Can also be combined in fun ways*.
Arabic: Roots of three letters with a collective meaning. Put in a pattern of vowels, prefixes, and suffixes to change the meaning. For example, k-t-b is to mark/write. Kitaab--book. Kataba--he wrote. Maktaba--library. Maktab--office.
To me, the Arabic way feels more regular and seems to make more sense. If you know the form and root, what can go wrong? I have yet to be disillusioned.
*I met a girl who didn't know what her major was going to be, but had to introduce herself to an audience of maybe a thousand or two and say her name, major, and why she liked working at the auditorium. I got this close to convincing her to say her major was kinesioeconomics, just because it sounded both fun and like a major somebody could do. Economy of motion, right? She chickened out, but not before I'd decided a major in Astroavionics would be fun preparation to either pilot spaceships or write science fiction.
why English is a pain in the
May 3, 2010
Regular Verbs
Before 9th grade French class, I'd never heard of regular verbs. Then I realized I didn't know if English had any.
Apparently we do, and they actually look pretty easy to conjugate, considering the present tense form is only different for he/she/it, the past tense is all the same, and everything else takes an auxiliary and a participle. Not too bad; in French and Arabic you have to conjugate a little more based on 1st/2nd/3rd person and singular/plural, at least in present and past tense.
On the other hand, English has a lot of irregular verbs, and you can't tell from the word itself whether or not it's regular.
In French, if the infinitive ends with -er, -ir, or -re, it's usually regular. French also has some semi-regular verb families, like the -uire verbs and variants of mettre and venir (both of which are exceptions to the infinitive endings).
In Arabic, there are six truly irregular verbs; the rest belong to families of semi-regulars, and you should be able to tell them by doubled letters or weak consonants in the root. (I could be wrong here; I'm summarizing something I don't know well and read about on the internet.)
In English, you just have to know the verb. We don't have endings to the infinitive that tell us it's irregular, like French usually will, and there aren't specific patterns with the roots like in Arabic. This'd be OK enough--if we didn't have so many irregulars.
Yeah, Sodom and Gomorrah may be in the nice, green part of the country, but you have to pay for it with a little flaming sulfur.
A nice list of regular verbs.
A not-so-nice list of irregular verbs.
A fun verb conjugator.
A useful explanation of irregular verbs in Arabic, if you're such a masochist that you really want to know.
Apparently we do, and they actually look pretty easy to conjugate, considering the present tense form is only different for he/she/it, the past tense is all the same, and everything else takes an auxiliary and a participle. Not too bad; in French and Arabic you have to conjugate a little more based on 1st/2nd/3rd person and singular/plural, at least in present and past tense.
On the other hand, English has a lot of irregular verbs, and you can't tell from the word itself whether or not it's regular.
In French, if the infinitive ends with -er, -ir, or -re, it's usually regular. French also has some semi-regular verb families, like the -uire verbs and variants of mettre and venir (both of which are exceptions to the infinitive endings).
In Arabic, there are six truly irregular verbs; the rest belong to families of semi-regulars, and you should be able to tell them by doubled letters or weak consonants in the root. (I could be wrong here; I'm summarizing something I don't know well and read about on the internet.)
In English, you just have to know the verb. We don't have endings to the infinitive that tell us it's irregular, like French usually will, and there aren't specific patterns with the roots like in Arabic. This'd be OK enough--if we didn't have so many irregulars.
Yeah, Sodom and Gomorrah may be in the nice, green part of the country, but you have to pay for it with a little flaming sulfur.
A nice list of regular verbs.
A not-so-nice list of irregular verbs.
A fun verb conjugator.
A useful explanation of irregular verbs in Arabic, if you're such a masochist that you really want to know.
why English is a pain in the,
why English is easy
May 1, 2010
Second Language Studies Program
Today was my interview for the Individualized Major Program, and they approved! I am now definitely majoring in Second Languages Studies.
Some things the committee mentioned:
-Don't stress the final project for another year or so. Since I'm starting the program so early, I'm a guinea pig for SLS. If (when) they finally make it a major, they'll be looking at what I did. The final project will factor into that, but it's still three-ish years away.
-Especially since I've never left the US, I should take opportunities to get to know other cultures, both through classes and people. It'll help a bit when I study abroad, as well as help me to teach cross-culturally.
-The ideal time to study abroad would be the spring of my Junior year, since I only want to go for one semester. The idea is that I study with the program in the spring, and maybe-possibly, once I'm more familiar with the local language and culture, find a place locally to be an English tutor for the summer.
On a different note, would anyone like a funny link? I've got nothing against the Germans, Russians, English, or French, but this is most definitely funny. I guess you could say it's an interesting commentary on cultural differences.
Some things the committee mentioned:
-Don't stress the final project for another year or so. Since I'm starting the program so early, I'm a guinea pig for SLS. If (when) they finally make it a major, they'll be looking at what I did. The final project will factor into that, but it's still three-ish years away.
-Especially since I've never left the US, I should take opportunities to get to know other cultures, both through classes and people. It'll help a bit when I study abroad, as well as help me to teach cross-culturally.
-The ideal time to study abroad would be the spring of my Junior year, since I only want to go for one semester. The idea is that I study with the program in the spring, and maybe-possibly, once I'm more familiar with the local language and culture, find a place locally to be an English tutor for the summer.
On a different note, would anyone like a funny link? I've got nothing against the Germans, Russians, English, or French, but this is most definitely funny. I guess you could say it's an interesting commentary on cultural differences.
April 24, 2010
I was talking with two international students today--one Korean, one Vietnamese--and we got into a discussion about accents.
Accents, we decided, make language learning hard. I, as a native English speaker, don't have too hard a time understanding different accents. English, Chinese, Arabic, Australian, Western, even Cockney, I'll understand well enough. Growing up, you hear all sorts of English dialects and accents. I may even have a little more experience with accents than some, since I grew up in a college town with a lot of internationals.
It's different for a learner. You learn with your teacher's accent, and it can be hard to transition to another. For example, the difference made it harder for the two students today to understand each other, and they also said it was hard to understand people who spoke different dialects of English. And they're not the only ones.
Dr. I., who I mentioned in an earlier post, has been in the US for quite a while, but her mother hasn't been here as long. She says her mother understands English pretty well here--but, if they're an hour south, she has to translate for her mother.
A friend of mine, J., is from eastern Europe and learned British English pretty early on. When she came to the US, though, she could barely understand what people were saying. In many ways, she had to relearn the language--but she speaks English like a native now.
I haven't had too much trouble with this--yet. Part of it is that I'm still in the US and don't have to function in another language. Here's what I think is relevant for me:
-I'm learning France French, not North African French or Quebec French. A funny story I once heard about an American teacher who knew France French but was in Quebec: she was at a meal and offered more food. "Non, merci," she said. "J'ai plein." I'm full. Things went from normal to awkward, and she couldn't understand why her Quebecois friends were acting so strangely--until she realized that, in Quebec French, "j'ai plein" meant "I'm pregnant."
-I'm learning Modern Standard Arabic. That's the printed, political, and academic language. The reasoning is that, though it's not how people regularly talk, it'll do academically and it's understood--if not spoken--everywhere. Dialects are offshoots of Modern Standard; for example, Egyptians pronounce "J" as "G" and many Saudis pronounce "Q" as "G." I've got a friend who's teaching me some Saudi dialect, though, and I'm very grateful for it.
If you know where you want to go, try to learn the dialect and accent.
Accents, we decided, make language learning hard. I, as a native English speaker, don't have too hard a time understanding different accents. English, Chinese, Arabic, Australian, Western, even Cockney, I'll understand well enough. Growing up, you hear all sorts of English dialects and accents. I may even have a little more experience with accents than some, since I grew up in a college town with a lot of internationals.
It's different for a learner. You learn with your teacher's accent, and it can be hard to transition to another. For example, the difference made it harder for the two students today to understand each other, and they also said it was hard to understand people who spoke different dialects of English. And they're not the only ones.
Dr. I., who I mentioned in an earlier post, has been in the US for quite a while, but her mother hasn't been here as long. She says her mother understands English pretty well here--but, if they're an hour south, she has to translate for her mother.
A friend of mine, J., is from eastern Europe and learned British English pretty early on. When she came to the US, though, she could barely understand what people were saying. In many ways, she had to relearn the language--but she speaks English like a native now.
I haven't had too much trouble with this--yet. Part of it is that I'm still in the US and don't have to function in another language. Here's what I think is relevant for me:
-I'm learning France French, not North African French or Quebec French. A funny story I once heard about an American teacher who knew France French but was in Quebec: she was at a meal and offered more food. "Non, merci," she said. "J'ai plein." I'm full. Things went from normal to awkward, and she couldn't understand why her Quebecois friends were acting so strangely--until she realized that, in Quebec French, "j'ai plein" meant "I'm pregnant."
-I'm learning Modern Standard Arabic. That's the printed, political, and academic language. The reasoning is that, though it's not how people regularly talk, it'll do academically and it's understood--if not spoken--everywhere. Dialects are offshoots of Modern Standard; for example, Egyptians pronounce "J" as "G" and many Saudis pronounce "Q" as "G." I've got a friend who's teaching me some Saudi dialect, though, and I'm very grateful for it.
If you know where you want to go, try to learn the dialect and accent.
April 21, 2010
Sometime or other, you'll probably see me write (or hear me say, if you know me) "y'all." Now, I'm not from a part of the country where that's a common thing, but I got started on it when I started learning French and Arabic. In English, the plural "you" is the same as the singular, and sometimes that's just not satisfying. "Y'all" does the job quite well.
That's all I have to say to y'all for now.
That's all I have to say to y'all for now.
Third Language Learning
A friend of mine also interested in SLS mentioned that she wondered what learning more than two languages would do to how you learn.
I'm here to explain that as best I can without knowing much at all about SLS yet.
English: My native language, learned as a child. I fancy I understand it rather well.
French: My second language, started in high school. I'm nowhere near fluent, but you could parachute me down anywhere in France and I could probably find my way home, or at least get into a good discussion about literature. I hate the grammar, love the pronunciation, like and mostly understand the literature, and ask that, s'il vous plait, you'll speak slowly.
Arabic: My third language. Parachute me into Egypt, and I'll be able to tell someone who I am and that I need to find someone who speaks English. I might even be able to carry on a halting conversation about my pets. Hate the vocabulary, like reading and pronunciation.
I'm in the process of learning both French and Arabic right now. I'm also in the process of saying, "Bonjour ya Carmen. Kayf halak? Ca va." I usually don't start speaking in Arabic when I'm trying to speak French, but I've had some close calls, including a time on a test where I had to choose between the wrong season in French and the right season in Arabic. (I went with French.)
But when I'm in Arabic, French is usually my fall-back language. If there's something I don't know how to say in Arabci and I have time to think about what I'm saying, I'll usually use English. If I'm still trying to say it in Arabic, the word I don't know will probably be French.
Sometimes I think I get into a 'foreign language mood.' When that's the case, it's easier to grab a word from my second language than my first. It gets a bit confusing, especially if you're the one trying to understand me.
So that's speech and thought; now for learning.
Learning French in high school was a valuable experience; it taught me how to learn a language. Before that, I didn't know such a thing as regular verbs existed. There were certain phrases I knew I should look out for and learn quickly, and ways to chart verbs that would help me study more effectively.
On a related note, it was studying French that made me realize how little I knew about English. Sure, I was good at grammar, but I didn't even know if we had regular verbs. I had a better idea of what I needed to learn in college. If I hadn't realized this, I'd probably still be in English Education, preparing to teach literature.
In summary: learning a second language taught me not only how to learn a third, but how to learn my first.
I'm here to explain that as best I can without knowing much at all about SLS yet.
English: My native language, learned as a child. I fancy I understand it rather well.
French: My second language, started in high school. I'm nowhere near fluent, but you could parachute me down anywhere in France and I could probably find my way home, or at least get into a good discussion about literature. I hate the grammar, love the pronunciation, like and mostly understand the literature, and ask that, s'il vous plait, you'll speak slowly.
Arabic: My third language. Parachute me into Egypt, and I'll be able to tell someone who I am and that I need to find someone who speaks English. I might even be able to carry on a halting conversation about my pets. Hate the vocabulary, like reading and pronunciation.
I'm in the process of learning both French and Arabic right now. I'm also in the process of saying, "Bonjour ya Carmen. Kayf halak? Ca va." I usually don't start speaking in Arabic when I'm trying to speak French, but I've had some close calls, including a time on a test where I had to choose between the wrong season in French and the right season in Arabic. (I went with French.)
But when I'm in Arabic, French is usually my fall-back language. If there's something I don't know how to say in Arabci and I have time to think about what I'm saying, I'll usually use English. If I'm still trying to say it in Arabic, the word I don't know will probably be French.
Sometimes I think I get into a 'foreign language mood.' When that's the case, it's easier to grab a word from my second language than my first. It gets a bit confusing, especially if you're the one trying to understand me.
So that's speech and thought; now for learning.
Learning French in high school was a valuable experience; it taught me how to learn a language. Before that, I didn't know such a thing as regular verbs existed. There were certain phrases I knew I should look out for and learn quickly, and ways to chart verbs that would help me study more effectively.
On a related note, it was studying French that made me realize how little I knew about English. Sure, I was good at grammar, but I didn't even know if we had regular verbs. I had a better idea of what I needed to learn in college. If I hadn't realized this, I'd probably still be in English Education, preparing to teach literature.
In summary: learning a second language taught me not only how to learn a third, but how to learn my first.
April 18, 2010
Small Vowels and 1st Graders
I had a chance to talk to Dr. I. a week or so ago, and--as she's an Arabic teacher and a native speaker--I asked her about the short vowels* I keep seeing at the ends of words in my Arabic New Testament. She said that, as a matter of good pronunciation, you do indeed use them.**
So, naturally, I asked her why we hadn't learned any of this first semester, when we first learned to conjugate verbs. She replied that, when she first taught, she'd been a stickler for that sort of thing. Eventually, though, she found that de-emphasizing them and encouraging useage instead of perfection helped students progress more quickly and enthusiastically.
Last semester I did service learning at the local elementary school for an education class. Just about every Monday morning I was there, the 1st graders had a writing exercise based on something current (ie, Halloween) or a book we'd just read together. I'd go around helping and encouraging: "Good job!" "Have you an your family ever gone on vacation somewhere? --Cool! --Now write down what you just told me." And, while they were writing: "Is that the right way to spell the word?"
The teacher talked to me later on. "You don't need to worry too much about the spelling," she said. "What's important is that they're writing."
I tend to be nitpicky about grammar and spelling, so those two events made me pause and think. There's a lot to be said for perfection--that's the goal. But perfection comes with time. Which would you prefer, a class that does incessant drills, or a class that makes you interact? Starting both with the passable and with the easy leaves room for enthusiasm.
To put it this way: you can't head into the gym and start with 200 pounds. You have to start with something you can actually handle and work up to something you can actually handle (though 200 pounds is a lot). That's why language classes start with "Ana ismee Rachel. Ma ismuki?" It took us a couple months to get through the alphabet, much less start verb conjugation.
*Arabic has three long vowels written in the word with the consonants, and three short vowels written above or below the word. The short vowels are often omitted in writing, except to clarify the meaning. Children's books and holy books are generally fully vowelized, which is why I knew these vowels on the ends of words existed.
**From what I know: sometimes they're grammatical (the indicative and the subjunctive have different final vowels. Other times I think they're part of the word and serve to make the sound flow better. I could be wrong.
So, naturally, I asked her why we hadn't learned any of this first semester, when we first learned to conjugate verbs. She replied that, when she first taught, she'd been a stickler for that sort of thing. Eventually, though, she found that de-emphasizing them and encouraging useage instead of perfection helped students progress more quickly and enthusiastically.
Last semester I did service learning at the local elementary school for an education class. Just about every Monday morning I was there, the 1st graders had a writing exercise based on something current (ie, Halloween) or a book we'd just read together. I'd go around helping and encouraging: "Good job!" "Have you an your family ever gone on vacation somewhere? --Cool! --Now write down what you just told me." And, while they were writing: "Is that the right way to spell the word?"
The teacher talked to me later on. "You don't need to worry too much about the spelling," she said. "What's important is that they're writing."
I tend to be nitpicky about grammar and spelling, so those two events made me pause and think. There's a lot to be said for perfection--that's the goal. But perfection comes with time. Which would you prefer, a class that does incessant drills, or a class that makes you interact? Starting both with the passable and with the easy leaves room for enthusiasm.
To put it this way: you can't head into the gym and start with 200 pounds. You have to start with something you can actually handle and work up to something you can actually handle (though 200 pounds is a lot). That's why language classes start with "Ana ismee Rachel. Ma ismuki?" It took us a couple months to get through the alphabet, much less start verb conjugation.
*Arabic has three long vowels written in the word with the consonants, and three short vowels written above or below the word. The short vowels are often omitted in writing, except to clarify the meaning. Children's books and holy books are generally fully vowelized, which is why I knew these vowels on the ends of words existed.
**From what I know: sometimes they're grammatical (the indicative and the subjunctive have different final vowels. Other times I think they're part of the word and serve to make the sound flow better. I could be wrong.
April 17, 2010
Statement of Purpose
For once, I'm not procrastinating on schoolwork! And this is most likely the most epic non-procrastination in my life.
You see, I have an essay due in (let me check my watch) three years. My college has a wonderful program that lets you make up your own major, but it requires a giant essay before graduation. In my application, I promised to keep a periodic record of what I've learned. This is that record.
So what is this intriguing major--Enigmatology? Magic? Kinesioeconomics?* Sorry--it's a lot more boring than that: Second Language Studies. I'd like to teach English in the Arabic-speaking world, and none of the existing majors here would fully prepare me for that.
I plan to post here whenever I have something worth posting. That'll probably be a lot of posts in the next few weeks, then maybe once a month. We'll see. I'll be drawing from my classes on Second Language Studies (SLS), but also from my experiences in learning French and Arabic.
This blog is mostly for me--something I can't get lost in a pile of paper--but if I've got decent ideas, it's not all that hard to click the "Follow" button!
*Whatever it is, it can't be as fun as Astroavionics.
You see, I have an essay due in (let me check my watch) three years. My college has a wonderful program that lets you make up your own major, but it requires a giant essay before graduation. In my application, I promised to keep a periodic record of what I've learned. This is that record.
So what is this intriguing major--Enigmatology? Magic? Kinesioeconomics?* Sorry--it's a lot more boring than that: Second Language Studies. I'd like to teach English in the Arabic-speaking world, and none of the existing majors here would fully prepare me for that.
I plan to post here whenever I have something worth posting. That'll probably be a lot of posts in the next few weeks, then maybe once a month. We'll see. I'll be drawing from my classes on Second Language Studies (SLS), but also from my experiences in learning French and Arabic.
This blog is mostly for me--something I can't get lost in a pile of paper--but if I've got decent ideas, it's not all that hard to click the "Follow" button!
*Whatever it is, it can't be as fun as Astroavionics.
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